Appreciate Craftsmanship

I recently got engaged!

Anyways, I have mentioned before that my fiancé is a video game lover.  I ordered a Starcraft ring from Shapeways.  It was made with a 3D printer. Totally awesome.   Well it came finally, though we aren’t getting married till next year.  But it is beautiful.  The craftsmanship is wonderful,  I am really impressed that this came from 3D printing.

Here is the link to the company.

Collector of Chaos: Day 42

My fiancé Nick is very much into video games, StarCraft to be exact. We have been reading the book series based on the video games together.  So of course my mind went to having to draw the characters from the books (really the video game).

Queen of Blades

Collector of Chaos: Day 35

Wes’s Picture requested by Missy

So I got a bought of insomnia last night and got through 5 different sketches.  I am going to share them each individually because I really like the way most of them turned out.

I draw a little girl Addey all the time; Addey’s Aunt Missy has been asking me for a year to draw her son Wes.  :/  I am not very good when someone demands me draw certain pictures. It takes part of the fun away for me.  Because sometimes the pose or the place is what I want to draw but the eyes or lips are from a different photograph.  It’s just how my mind puts them all together.  Missy asked that I sketch his senior picture, well a picture of she took before he went and got them taken.

Wes Sketcch
What I captured in pencil

I must say that I am not disappointed in how this turned out.  Missy cried, so I am pretty sure she is happy with the work I did.  (I have never had someone cry before.)

I don’t normally put the photograph for comparison in my blogs, but here you go. The picture vs the sketch!

Scarves for Everyone!

It’s that time of year again – Christmas shopping! Well I don’t shop well in public so I make a lot of my own gifts.
Nick, mt fiancé, has 4 sisters and 2 sister-in-laws. Yeppers that’s a big ol’ family!


Anyways, they do a gift exchange by drawing names from a hat or whatever. I don’t roll like that. (A bit ghetto tonight I guess, sorry.) I think since this is my first year celebrating they are going to all get something. That something is a hand knitted scarf!
I started them tonight. 1 down 5 to go.


Merry Christmas new sisters!

Appreciation of Local Artists: Andy Donaldson Photography

I love art!  (Of pretty much very shape and form.)  The small community I live in is filled with so many talented people.  We have a gem of artists, photographers-you name it we got it here.  I have been acquiring a local photographers works for the past year.  I now have 8 pieces by him. His name is Andy Donaldson. You can find his information here:

He also keeps a gallery of photos that can be bought-which of course is where I ALWAYS end up! /

Anyways there is something that just captures me every time I see his new works.  I know I have to have them.  So here is to all artists, but especially Andy’s, and their hard work!  May people find you work just a beautiful and heartfelt as you do. wpid-wp-1447284847350.jpeg


Sometimes there nothing better to see in the world than buttons! (insert crazy happy emojis) I recently acquired a new collection of old, odd and random buttons from the local small specialty shop downtown. They have crafts, vintage furniture, small odds and ends.  I love this little whole in the wall store.  I wish I had thousands of dollars to purchase random things from them. These will defiantly bet getting put to use soon.

I have taken a break due to work requirements on most art projects.  I just have so much programming going on in the library that it is hard to keep up with my personal stuff.  But I think 2016 will be a great year of creating for me.  So much happiness to share!


Losing Creativity

I am in a slump again. Sigh, big HUGE sigh.  I am just so overwhelmed right now. Between the chaos of work and life things seemed turned upside down.  It get like this a lot.  You know life just happens, sometimes I just get pulled along for the ride instead of getting to live it.  That SUCKS, a lot. 

This came in the mail today.  I don’t remember ordering it, oops.  But I guess I did. So maybe I can get a vibe back again.  

I like the title Start Where You Are.  Seems like as good as a place as ever.  Because I am here, and I want to be there, or there, or here, well you get it.

I have so many ideas and so little time.  The time I finally get to breath, whoosh all my ideas go out the window. Poof! Any help I can get I will take it. 

So now it’s about refocusing and keeping my scattered mind in check.

Relax, breath, relax, breath. (Repeat as needed). 

Here’s to continuing to creating, imagination and chaos.

quote from inside the book