Insomnia, Tick, Tock

Tick, Tock, Tick, Tock, Tock, Tock, Tock, Tock…

Insomnia my old friend, the friend I never miss.

Tick, Tock, Tick, Tock, Tick, Tick, Tick, Tick…

Insomnia you slut, run amuck somewhere else.

Tick, Tock, Tick, Tock, Tick, Tock…

Insomnia go away, go away, go away!

Why do you come? Why do you stay? What can I do? What can I change?

Tick, Tick, Tick…

Sigh, I need the sleep, I want the sleep.  The night is so cold, so dark, so lonely.

Lonely-Tock, Tock, Tock-the brokenness of dreams scattered like pieces of a mirror.

Sleep, come to me, envelop me, take me, keep me.

Insomnia you bitch-SLEEP.

The screaming in my head continues, it bubbles up from deep within.  I am so drained, so tired, yet the darkness can be seen, go away!

Insomnia, let go, you are no longer wanted, needed, sought after.  You are a cruel mistress in my bed.

Tick, Tock, Tick, Tock…

It has to someday stop.

Black and White

I close my eyes and yearn for sleep, deep and thick and rich sleep.

I want a night of depth, filled with swirls of colors.

But, I stare into the darkness and see two colors.

Black and white.

There should be contrast, it makes the difference, a change.

I hear the talk of shades, of gray-light, dark, an immersed abundance of colorlessness.

I should dream of flowers blooming, bright and beautiful, of rain kissed leaves in fall flush with color.

But, it is a barren sea of Black and white.

I want to touch the colors of red, purple, orange, awake with the warmth they give off inside a dream world.

I want to taste yellow in the sunshined corners of my mind.

I want to smell the greens and blues of deep salty ocean waves or dew filled meadows.

But, Black and white is what I get.

The black and white of insomnia, the sleep of zombies, the sleep of the undead, the lack of sleep that stunts my mind, my body, and my soul.

I want sleep, I need it, but instead I get black and white.


Sometimes there nothing better to see in the world than buttons! (insert crazy happy emojis) I recently acquired a new collection of old, odd and random buttons from the local small specialty shop downtown. They have crafts, vintage furniture, small odds and ends.  I love this little whole in the wall store.  I wish I had thousands of dollars to purchase random things from them. These will defiantly bet getting put to use soon.

I have taken a break due to work requirements on most art projects.  I just have so much programming going on in the library that it is hard to keep up with my personal stuff.  But I think 2016 will be a great year of creating for me.  So much happiness to share!


Collector of Chaos: Day 6

I took the time last night to add pictures and play tickets to the the smash book.  I also added a poem from childhood and other random photos.


I have really been enjoying this creative endeavor each day.  While I am no where back with what I was doing each day.  When I really felt inspired I could sketch 10 pictures in a day.  And paint for 5 hours.

Now I don’t know when the last time I held a paint brush. Sigh….sometimes there aren’t enough hours in a day.  And there are even LESS when you can’t find your creative center. Focus…I need to focus!


A 4 Month Challenge To Myself

I have been in a creative slump. The enjoyment has dwindled away a bit in my sketches.   As more people ask me to draw the more I don’t want to do any of it, even for my pleasure.

I have ideas running through my head for sketches,  paintings and even a few collages. But they will not comte when I sit down to create.

There seems to be so much chaos surrounding me right now.  Outside sources pushing and pulling me in 20 different directions.  I cannot focus on 1 single task.  It saddens me that the outside influences have hindered my creative ability.

So I have made a commitment to myself.  To throw out the chaos and focus on me. On my creative side. Because when I am creating, I am at my happiest. 

My project is called Collector of Chaos. Each day I will do something creative, be it poems,  random writing, painting, skwtching. Really anything that makes me creative and imaginative.  And in the end maybe find me again.