Appreciate Craftsmanship

I recently got engaged!

Anyways, I have mentioned before that my fiancé is a video game lover.  I ordered a Starcraft ring from Shapeways.  It was made with a 3D printer. Totally awesome.   Well it came finally, though we aren’t getting married till next year.  But it is beautiful.  The craftsmanship is wonderful,  I am really impressed that this came from 3D printing.

Here is the link to the company.

Scarves for Everyone!

It’s that time of year again – Christmas shopping! Well I don’t shop well in public so I make a lot of my own gifts.
Nick, mt fiancé, has 4 sisters and 2 sister-in-laws. Yeppers that’s a big ol’ family!


Anyways, they do a gift exchange by drawing names from a hat or whatever. I don’t roll like that. (A bit ghetto tonight I guess, sorry.) I think since this is my first year celebrating they are going to all get something. That something is a hand knitted scarf!
I started them tonight. 1 down 5 to go.


Merry Christmas new sisters!

Collector of Chaos: Day 34

Reflection on artwork!

Sometimes you just have to go back through and look at what you have accomplished.  Give yourself some good vibes and maybe just, maybe some inspiration.  

As I was going through all my sketches I realized that Addey was my number 1 subject to sketch.  I have her from all different ages from newborn to age 3. Nothing says love like that. (Insert heart emoji) She is my rent-a-kid.

Here are some past reflections of my favorite!




Collector of Chaos: Day 28

I came across the app Sketch Me on my android based phone.  These are some pictures I modified while enjoying the app.


Sorry for so many but it was a lot of fun!  Since my schedule kept me busy most of the day it was nice to be a little bit creative, even if it was through an app.






Yeah I had way too much fun with app!

Collector of Chaos: Day 23

Smash book up keep can be hard…or taxing. I am not a scrap booker. But damn if I don’t love to put this together.


I have been adding everything Nick, my boyfriend, and I do together. And I have been really filling the space provided in. It is getting so thick I might need a rubber band to keep it closed!

Here are some recent additions.

Vacation Travels 2015
Friends wedding #CapriCarnival

Yeah I have really been enjoying this smash book!

1 Year Anniversary

Thanks for remembering WordPress!

In my notifications I had this little popup box that said Happy Anniversary!  Well gosh…thanks.

I am just proud of myself for keeping up with something I enjoy.  There are so many thing I could be doing in my spare time, but blogging and creating art is something that brings be happiness.  I really do it for me-it is VERY selfish.  (FYI I am completely ok with this selfish action.)

For those who follow me, thank you! You share in my selfishness and see inside me.  To another year of being creative and following other wonderfully creative people!
