Collector of Chaos: Day 42

My fiancé Nick is very much into video games, StarCraft to be exact. We have been reading the book series based on the video games together.  So of course my mind went to having to draw the characters from the books (really the video game).

Queen of Blades

Collector of Chaos: Day 35

Wes’s Picture requested by Missy

So I got a bought of insomnia last night and got through 5 different sketches.  I am going to share them each individually because I really like the way most of them turned out.

I draw a little girl Addey all the time; Addey’s Aunt Missy has been asking me for a year to draw her son Wes.  :/  I am not very good when someone demands me draw certain pictures. It takes part of the fun away for me.  Because sometimes the pose or the place is what I want to draw but the eyes or lips are from a different photograph.  It’s just how my mind puts them all together.  Missy asked that I sketch his senior picture, well a picture of she took before he went and got them taken.

Wes Sketcch
What I captured in pencil

I must say that I am not disappointed in how this turned out.  Missy cried, so I am pretty sure she is happy with the work I did.  (I have never had someone cry before.)

I don’t normally put the photograph for comparison in my blogs, but here you go. The picture vs the sketch!

Collector of Chaos: Day 34

Reflection on artwork!

Sometimes you just have to go back through and look at what you have accomplished.  Give yourself some good vibes and maybe just, maybe some inspiration.  

As I was going through all my sketches I realized that Addey was my number 1 subject to sketch.  I have her from all different ages from newborn to age 3. Nothing says love like that. (Insert heart emoji) She is my rent-a-kid.

Here are some past reflections of my favorite!


