A 4 Month Challenge To Myself

I have been in a creative slump. The enjoyment has dwindled away a bit in my sketches.   As more people ask me to draw the more I don’t want to do any of it, even for my pleasure.

I have ideas running through my head for sketches,  paintings and even a few collages. But they will not comte when I sit down to create.

There seems to be so much chaos surrounding me right now.  Outside sources pushing and pulling me in 20 different directions.  I cannot focus on 1 single task.  It saddens me that the outside influences have hindered my creative ability.

So I have made a commitment to myself.  To throw out the chaos and focus on me. On my creative side. Because when I am creating, I am at my happiest. 

My project is called Collector of Chaos. Each day I will do something creative, be it poems,  random writing, painting, skwtching. Really anything that makes me creative and imaginative.  And in the end maybe find me again.